Thursday, July 19, 2012

Leaders Perspective- Natasha & Charlie!

Hey guys!!! This is Natasha and Charlie. Because we are both leaders for the first time, we have witnessed some amazing things that God has done in the hearts of our students.
{yes. yes. caution. we're working}

It is incredible to think that that one of the only complaints we have heard out of our students is that they want more work because they want to glorify God. And while the kids are taking their, much needed, water breaks they talk with the family that we are working for.
{busy working}

While speaking with the family it is evident that their hearts desire is to share Christ's love and as a result the family has been so open with our student and have shared in depth what they have experienced and have even showed us pictures.
{we were able to bring some flowers pots to the home we've worked on}

I think that me and Charlie will agree that our expectations of what the students would accomplish were not high but the students have more than surprised us. Every student has physically worked to the point of exhaustion and have poured out their hearts. Needless to say we are two proud leaders.
{tools. we cut this hill down almost 2 feet}
 By Natasha and Charlie 

{doing good}

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